ACTING FOR A WORLD IN PEACE - Click in the photo to download the video!!!

"Acting for a world in Peace” invited a volunteer from Peru to come to Germany and do volunteer service within the Festival of Friends Society.

Festival of Friends Society is located in Dresden, Germany and promotes theatre performances for kids, youth and adults. The method used within the Society is the Galli Method, which uses theater for personal growth, conflict resolution, prevention, learning languages and cultural exchange. The Volunteer will actively be involved in the theatre work to also learn how theatre can be used as prevention tool (drug- , violence- discrimination prevention), and post conflict- and disaster rehabilitation. The Volunteer will initiate own little projects to create theatre pieces and little festivals to promote intercultural communication and understanding.



The project invited a volunteer from Peru, Karina Quispe Yguía, and do a volunteer service within the Festival of Friends Society. The method use within the Society is the Galli Method which uses theater for personal growth, conflict resolution, prevention, learning languages and cultural exchange.

This project promotes inclusion of young people with fewer opportunity and the Volunteer is asked pass on the experience which will be made during the stay in Germany to kids and youth living in Peru and to initiate theater projects with street kids, kids living in areas of earthquake and kids in need.

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