ACTING FOR A WORLD IN PEACE - Click in the photo to download the video!!!

"Acting for a world in Peace” invited a volunteer from Peru to come to Germany and do volunteer service within the Festival of Friends Society.

Festival of Friends Society is located in Dresden, Germany and promotes theatre performances for kids, youth and adults. The method used within the Society is the Galli Method, which uses theater for personal growth, conflict resolution, prevention, learning languages and cultural exchange. The Volunteer will actively be involved in the theatre work to also learn how theatre can be used as prevention tool (drug- , violence- discrimination prevention), and post conflict- and disaster rehabilitation. The Volunteer will initiate own little projects to create theatre pieces and little festivals to promote intercultural communication and understanding.


About Earthquake of the Heart or Erdbeben des Herzens

This is the name of the project and the idea to comeback to Peru when I finally had a clear vision. Erdbeben des Herzens is a play writing by Johannes Galli, created of Galli Method. I was acting many pieces in Germany and around Europe with Festival of Friends Society and I love them. But then because I am latin I had many problems of communication, then the members of Festival of friends were trying to help me and the advice was always “ you just need to act act act… always act”.

So one day in the Galli theater of Wiesbaden, I was participant in a workshop and then Johannes Galli developed pieces and he developed Erdbeben des Herzens a funny comedy about the meeting between a latin girl and a german girl. The play helped me very much and more the end. In the end I came back to Peru, specially to Sud of Peru where was a Earthquake years ago and helped the children with art and theater to overcome the fear and trauma.

It was so special then I decided to comeback and do it, like in the play. So the play became true. That is the work that I love so much

And my vision was to create a “ Galli House” which work like a theater, a workshop center for children and for everybody specially people who cannot pay it, who was not money because everybody has the right to act, to discover the art and the actor inside.  I think that it was center of the project " Acting for a World in Peace" to find what is the reality and what the theater can do for your life. All what I learned about the world and the theater is being sharing here in the house.
Now that is what I have now, the Galli House in Peru is a space where people can act and live in a peacefull way. It is a little house of piece for everybody.

Here somephotos of our work...enojoy it!!!


Such a great experience but the most interesting for me was the communication. The communication is a long way to walk and when is intercultural is more difficult. I discovered the only we need is patience and happyness always, does´nt mother what happen.
In  my case the language was a hard situation. For me it was complicated always then I found that to learn language with the special method " Learning Deutsch by actin" means to have more iniciative and power. Since that moment I tried to apply the german power and iniciative to my life in Peru.
I knew that I needed to comeback to Peru because the project was for 2 year but I did´nt have idea " what will do when I comeback to Lima?" " what to do?" "what to do?". Soon during the project the members of Festival of Friends were asking about my future and about my " vision" that word was with me the whole year!!!!!!.
It was a process to understand what is the meaning of  " to have a vision in life" and more when you need to start to do, not just to think in your vision.
That was the intercultural shock for me. Most of people in Germany and in Europe DO SOMETHING, in Latinamerica ( in my case) we thing and we laugh so much but we don´t really do, don´t really have iniciative.
One year ago " iniciative" " power" " to do" " shout!" was synonime of agresion. Slowly I understood I was face to face with other culture, other point of view. I don´t say that one of use is better.
What I said is that I learned "understanding", " comprension" " adaptation" " power" in a different way. And the most important I got my vision finally.
To have a vision is to have the happynnes to transform the work in happyness.
That is what I have now in Lima. In Germany I decided to opened a Galli House in Lima which is a little theater and workshop center for children and young people.
It is great! my work everyday is a lot but it is incredible funny, alive, powerfull. It was what I was loocking for. I found it!!!!!!!



I have the opportunity to learn, to act and to travel much as you can see:


Hí, I am the volunteer, my name is Karina Quispe Yguía from Peru. I am 30 years old right now and I decided to do a Blog from my Evs year, because it was very important for me and for my present now. 
I learned much experience, wachted many places, travel many times, packed several times, knew crazy people, knew interesting people, knew incredible people and I got friends. 
So this is my experience here, You can photos and also videos here.
I strongly recomend the EVS specially the program from Festival of Friends Society. It is a deep experience because I think now that to share the knowledge of the world, to find the real communication between different cultures and to learn about act and theater open your mind and for me this is the solution to find peace, to give peace and to live.
So please get in contact with Festival of friends or the program Youth in Action and do it!!!


The project invited a volunteer from Peru, Karina Quispe Yguía, and do a volunteer service within the Festival of Friends Society. The method use within the Society is the Galli Method which uses theater for personal growth, conflict resolution, prevention, learning languages and cultural exchange.

This project promotes inclusion of young people with fewer opportunity and the Volunteer is asked pass on the experience which will be made during the stay in Germany to kids and youth living in Peru and to initiate theater projects with street kids, kids living in areas of earthquake and kids in need.


THE IDEA.   Click here to download the video of the project

The idea is to initiate a vivid exchange of youth from Peru with Europe, for an intercultural exchange learning language program and to support Latin American countries.